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Selectmen Minutes April 30, 2003
The weekly meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday evening,
April 30, 2003 at 7:35 p.m.

Present: James M. Hardy, Chairman; Eric W. Greene, Clerk; David L. Walsh
Michael Botelho, Executive Secretary
Karen Grabau, Adm. Assistant

Also Present:
Supt. Of Schools, Dr. Margaret Strojny
School Business Manager, Ralph Dumas
School Committee Members: Thomas Hamilton, John Clifford, Jane
Scott Hastings, Theresa McNulty, Lisa
Finance Committee Members: Peter Hamilton, John Margie, Albert
Hugh Perrault, Anthony Costello
Assessors: Linda Libby; Cheryl Pooler, Administrative Assessor
Fire Chief Ryon Pratt
Police Chief, John L. Silva
Tree Warden/Highway Surveyor, John Haines
Moderator/Veterans' Agent, Peter Spagone
Director of Elder Affairs, Mary Jane Kingsland
Town Accountant, George Samia
Town Treasurer, Frank Savino

Mr. Hardy explained for the benefit of the residents, the process
followed by the departments to reduce their budgets; noted that the
Selectmen and Finance committee have agreed to commit 1.7 million from
other revenues including the Stabilization Fund to the total budget.

Mr. Samia explained the Financial Forecast Worksheet that he had
prepared, which included revenues, expenditures and final totals. Noted
that at this time, it appears that the town will be about $93,000 to the
good, with the latest state budget numbers.

Mr. Hardy stated that it was the recommendation of the Finance Committee
and the Financial Team to move forward with the May 12 town meeting and
vote a level funded budget. Noted that once the final state budget
figures are known that will be a need for a fall town meeting to make
adjustments, has agreed that there will be a need for additional funding
for SPED.

Mr. Walsh agreed with moving ahead with town meeting and noted the
cooperation by the departments.

Peter Hamilton stated that the Finance Committee had voted to go ahead
with the May 12 Annual Town Meeting and vote a level funded budget.

Mr. Spagone stated that he also agreed with moving ahead with the Annual
Town Meeting on the 12th and noted that the residents must be aware that
1 million will be taken out of the Stabilization Fund to fund this
year's budget.

Jane Curley stated that the School Committee would be meeting after the
Selectmen's meeting to discuss their budget; noted that she felt that it
would be difficult for the School Committee to reach a level funded

A discussion was held regarding the budget for SE Regional School. Mr.
Greene stated that they need 6 communities to vote less than the amount
brought to towns in order for the budget to be sent back to the school
committee; stated that he is working to bring the budget down; will
recommend on town meeting floor that the budget be reduced to a level
with last years budget.

Board of Selectmen -2-
April 30, 2003

Mr. Hardy noted that town meeting had voted last year a level funded
budget for SE Regional and then in fall voted the adjustment.

Mr. Hastings inquired what number Mr. Hardy was using for the SPED
budget; Mr. Hardy stated that he has agreed to $250,000 and will agree
to a STM in the fall.

Mr. Spagone stated that the budget process has been very difficult and
that departments had to make decision as to either reducing staff or
services; this was a collective process by all to come up with a plan;
noted plan was modified from last year.

Mr. Hardy stated that the cooperation level was very high at meetings;
town will be in a good position next year; if state budget does not
improve for following year, then there will be a need to go to the
voters with a plan.

Mr. Hardy thanked all for attending tonight's meeting.

Open Forum
No one was present.

Mr. Walsh requested and Board members agreed to have Town Counsel
provide information to Board on moving forward with recall, DPW, Town
Planner and Town Administrator, as recommended by the Government Study
Committee. Also, agreed that information should be provided by Friday
for the Board's folders.

M/Greene, s/Walsh, a unanimous vote, move to adjourn meeting at 8:15

Board of Selectmen